Storage For Your Garden's Bounty

by Maggie

Posted on 03-12-2020 10:41 PM

10 Tips for Fruit and Vegetable Storage in a Root Cellar

In this article we'll talk about 5 basic things you must include in a root cellar design, plus 10 tips for fruit and vegetable storage. storage ideas There's also a printable storage guide for over 30 fruits and veggies, and links to additional information at the bottom of the post. A root cellar is a great low-cost way to store food – not just root vegetables, but other fresh produce, too. They require little to no energy to use and very little maintenance.

Fruit and Vegetable Storage Chart

Before you begin to build, you’ll need to figure out what conditions each of your fruits and veggies need stored at. Take a look at that chart again… anything that is of similar temperature and humidity requirements can be stored together, so long as you don’t mix anything that produces an odor with anything else (such as by keeping the odor-producers near a vent or in a sealed container), and don’t mix ethylene producing foods with root vegetables. Ethylene gas can cause the potatoes to sprout and the roots to spoil. If storing in the same room, put the ethylene-producer on a top shelf near to a vent, and the tubers and roots at ground level. You may want to keep the roots or the ethylene-producer in a sealed container to block the passage of the gas; however be careful of mold growth inside the container if using this storage option.